I looked through the list and noticed some of my friends on the list who have gone on. So sorry. I remember Bob, he and I usually stayed after school while in elementary school with our heads on the desks- Laughing!! Funny what we remember...
Bob and I were friends since the 3rd grade. We spent the night with each other and we had a great friendship. Gregg Trier was our other best friend. The three of us were the three mustketeers through elementary school. The three of us loved to hang out together and play baseball in Little League, flag football on the H.A. Hyde team, and all kinds of games from marbles to riding down the steep hill by Bob's house on make-shift soap box racers!
One of my favorite memories as a young boy was to visit one of Bob's relatives out in the country where we got to shoot BB guns and run around in the woods playing cowboys, cops or whatever suited us. Bob's dad was in the Navy and he was gone quite a bit so it was always fun when he came home to stay for awhile.
I will always remember Bob as one of my best friends. We spent a lot of time together as young boys. We stayed connected in High School but we ended up playing sports on different teams so we didn't see each other as much as I would have liked.
Bob was a great friend and I was so sad to hear of his passing.
To my dear friend Bob I send you lots of good thoughts of a wonderful youth together and thanks for being my good friend ~ Your Buddy, Billy Probert
I remember Bob as another classmate who I knew mostly in sports. I wasn't a close friend but a team mate in sports. Well, as fate would have it, Bob and I joined the Air Force together. I remember it being comforting that I had a friend to share that adventurous time with. The induction center and swearing in together in Oakland. Flying into San Antonio, Texas for our training. Bob became a close friend during those few days and, even closer going through training together. I was sad to part with Bob after training. I went on to McConnell Air Base in Kansas and Bob remained behind at Lackland Air Base. That was the last contact I remember of Bob. Thank you Bob for sharing that time of our life together.
I remember Bob as a classmate, and from sports in high school. We didn't hang around much, but we knew, and respected each other. I only ran into him once after high school, and that was years later, when we happened to attend a function at the VFW hall in Freedom. We talked a bit, then went on our separate ways. I still remember him.
Bob and I become good friends when we reunited in 1967 at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX. We had dinners together, went to the movies, Six Flags over Texas, Thanksgiving dinner and many other memorable events. Bob got sent to the Azores and I went to Thailand. Back in Watsonville, we both went to work for So. Pac. Railroad, Bob as a clerk, I as a trainman. We remained close, celebrating the birth of his two sons, Chad & Jeff, We were involved in each other lives for a good many years and then sadly, circumstances changed and we drifted apart. I have nothing but fond memories of Bob. I still miss not seeing him around town.I will always miss hearing his easy laugh.
It was so sad for me to hear of Bob's passing. Bob and I met in Kindergarten and went all the way through high school together. I remember attending birthday parties together throughout our years at H.A.Hyde School, going to the Standford Oregon ducks games as our reward for being school crossing guards, participating in kite flying contests and playing sports.
My last memoriy of Bob was when I was in Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base. Bob was assigned to stationed at Lackland and tracked me down. On our 1 free day during Basic Bob came by my barracks, picked me up and showed me around San Antonio, saw the Alamo, Bob warned me it was not going to be a big building. Boy was he right my images based on television and movies were quite the opposite. Went to a movie and Rhonda fixed us a great home cooked meal that evening, its was so great seeing people from home during that time. Bob got me back to the base by the appropriate time, we shook hands, I thanked him and we said, see you later.
Well I guess we will have to waite a little longer Bob.
Greg Crocker
I looked through the list and noticed some of my friends on the list who have gone on. So sorry. I remember Bob, he and I usually stayed after school while in elementary school with our heads on the desks- Laughing!! Funny what we remember...
Bill Probert
Bob and I were friends since the 3rd grade. We spent the night with each other and we had a great friendship. Gregg Trier was our other best friend. The three of us were the three mustketeers through elementary school. The three of us loved to hang out together and play baseball in Little League, flag football on the H.A. Hyde team, and all kinds of games from marbles to riding down the steep hill by Bob's house on make-shift soap box racers!
One of my favorite memories as a young boy was to visit one of Bob's relatives out in the country where we got to shoot BB guns and run around in the woods playing cowboys, cops or whatever suited us. Bob's dad was in the Navy and he was gone quite a bit so it was always fun when he came home to stay for awhile.
I will always remember Bob as one of my best friends. We spent a lot of time together as young boys. We stayed connected in High School but we ended up playing sports on different teams so we didn't see each other as much as I would have liked.
Bob was a great friend and I was so sad to hear of his passing.
To my dear friend Bob I send you lots of good thoughts of a wonderful youth together and thanks for being my good friend ~ Your Buddy, Billy Probert
Don Yamakuchi
I remember Bob as another classmate who I knew mostly in sports. I wasn't a close friend but a team mate in sports. Well, as fate would have it, Bob and I joined the Air Force together. I remember it being comforting that I had a friend to share that adventurous time with. The induction center and swearing in together in Oakland. Flying into San Antonio, Texas for our training. Bob became a close friend during those few days and, even closer going through training together. I was sad to part with Bob after training. I went on to McConnell Air Base in Kansas and Bob remained behind at Lackland Air Base. That was the last contact I remember of Bob. Thank you Bob for sharing that time of our life together.
Manuel Flores
I remember Bob as a classmate, and from sports in high school. We didn't hang around much, but we knew, and respected each other. I only ran into him once after high school, and that was years later, when we happened to attend a function at the VFW hall in Freedom. We talked a bit, then went on our separate ways. I still remember him.
Fred Pointer
Bob and I become good friends when we reunited in 1967 at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX. We had dinners together, went to the movies, Six Flags over Texas, Thanksgiving dinner and many other memorable events. Bob got sent to the Azores and I went to Thailand. Back in Watsonville, we both went to work for So. Pac. Railroad, Bob as a clerk, I as a trainman. We remained close, celebrating the birth of his two sons, Chad & Jeff, We were involved in each other lives for a good many years and then sadly, circumstances changed and we drifted apart. I have nothing but fond memories of Bob. I still miss not seeing him around town.I will always miss hearing his easy laugh.
John Korach
It was so sad for me to hear of Bob's passing. Bob and I met in Kindergarten and went all the way through high school together. I remember attending birthday parties together throughout our years at H.A.Hyde School, going to the Standford Oregon ducks games as our reward for being school crossing guards, participating in kite flying contests and playing sports.
My last memoriy of Bob was when I was in Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base. Bob was assigned to stationed at Lackland and tracked me down. On our 1 free day during Basic Bob came by my barracks, picked me up and showed me around San Antonio, saw the Alamo, Bob warned me it was not going to be a big building. Boy was he right my images based on television and movies were quite the opposite. Went to a movie and Rhonda fixed us a great home cooked meal that evening, its was so great seeing people from home during that time. Bob got me back to the base by the appropriate time, we shook hands, I thanked him and we said, see you later.
Well I guess we will have to waite a little longer Bob.