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Reunion Pictures

 The Reunion pages are ready for photos to be uploaded by any classmates who attended the reunions and that have pictures to share.  Just hit the upload "button" and load your reunion pictures. If you have any problems, please e-mail me and I'll help. If you have pictures from earlier reunions that are not digital please "scan" and load to the site. If you would like me to do it, please e-mail me and I'll do the scanning and uploading for you.  

Thanks for your help making this a fun website for the Class of 65!


56th Year Reunion
92 Photos  10/3/21
40th Reunion
2 Galleries  4/21/15
30 Photos  8/31/14
7 Photos  9/24/13
41 Photos  8/30/14
Gathering of Catz 2009
78 Photos  9/8/13
Gathering of Catz 2002
36 Photos  8/26/14
Gathering of Catz 1994
13 Photos  8/30/14
2009 PPT- Class of 65
27 Photos  3/1/14
Gathering of Catz PPT
166 Photos  2/16/14