Notes from Planning Meeting 10-11-14
Meeting started at approximately 1:00 PM at the Scotts Valley Library.
Present: Cindy Serrano Welch, Ron Manabe, Karen Kelley Lund, Dave Mercer, Nancy Putnam Carroll, Jim Dugger, Diana Weaver Cuddleford, Kathy Pitts Small, Dick & Nancy DePuy, Charlie & Janet Banovac, Don Yamaguchi, Carm Javier Delano, Pete and Sue Harris, Ken Brownell
Excused absences: Ben Ragsac, Amy Newell
The first topic was missing classmates. Harold, Terri and Carm have made a great effort and have been successful in finding classmates. Harold has sent letters to all addresses we have. Harold has donated the cost of the mailings and the cost for a search site to dig deeper to find classmates. Harold provided a list of missing classmates for which we have no information. Cindy Welch, Nancy Carroll, and Jim Dugger took the list to work on further after it was passed among committee members who provided information. Carm will collect their information and forward to Harold. We are planning a “save the date” mailer around March or so.
We discussed Mora’s status. We have invited several from their class to join us at each of the meetings. Mary Jo F. attended the August meeting but had no information. Ron Benich and Mike Varni have also been notified. The committee decided that we would accommodate them but they have to be active and provide a class list. The ball is in their court.
Next topic was the web site. Everyone is very appreciative of Bill’s massive effort in keeping the site interesting and fresh. Bill has donated the cost of the web site. The committee gave both Harold and Bill a round of applause as well as Carm and Terri. These classmates have spent a lot of time working on the reunion.
Next topic Saturday night: Ron Manabe, the newly appointed head of the menu committee, said they had decided on the dinner buffet at approximately $42 per person and appetizers that are approximately $2 per person. The committee approved the dinner buffet and authorized the menu committee to select among the various offerings as well as appetizers.
The committee discussed starting time, cocktail time, dinner time, and dancing and approved the following:
5:30 - 6:00 PM Registration
6:00 - 7:30 Cocktails (no host)
7:30 - 9:00 Dinner
9:00 -11:00 Dancing/Mingling
Since we are going to 11:00 PM the room will cost an extra $350 or so. That extra cost was discussed and the group voted to go ahead. We’re hoping to keep the cost around $65 per person for this event.
A group of classmates has donated $2,600 for a Friday event. The money is currently being used as seed money and we made an $800 deposit for Seascape. The Friday event will be a very casual, hosted beer (Manabe donation)/wine reception (several classmates have donated). There was a lot of support from the donors, as well as numerous comments on the web site, to have an event in Watsonville. We had never had an event in Watsonville. The group looked at several sites in Watsonville including renting the old gym or cafeteria. The group has secured the Women's Club (capacity 200) for the event, at an excellent rental. Security will be proved. Jim Dugger asked whether we were duplicating Saturday. The event will be different from Saturday and it’s in response to classmate’s interest in having more time together and multiple events. It will be optional for those attending Saturday night. Everyone seemed pleased about having a 2nd event, particularly since it will be subsidized. Diana Weaver Cuddleford has several props from our Proms, and other high school events, and will help with the decorations. This is a surprising find. We will sign the contract with the Women’s Club and work on the menu and theme for the party. We’ll have more detail on this event at the next meeting. We’re hoping to keep the cost around $15 per person.
Golf will be played at Seascape on Friday morning, details to follow.
A group of 30 rooms is being held by Sea Cliff Inn until June20, 2015. Please reserve under the code #4032. The class of ’55 is having their reunion the same weekend so use the code. The Santa Cruz County fair will also be that weekend, book early.
Sunday Brunch is currently a question on the survey and we’ll wait for the results.
The committee agreed to honor Veterans in a manner to be determined.
We adjourned to Malone's a little after 2:00 PM.
We have a lot of work ahead of us and we can always use more help. We encourage more classmates to become involved with working on the 50th Reunion. The social hour is a real hit and we invite classmates to join us after the meeting. See the pictures from the last meeting.
The committee decided to return to the Scotts Valley Library on January 17th at 1:00 – 2:30 PM (Sue Harris has already reserved the room) and I think everyone will want to return to Malone’s at 2:30?
The ’65 Planning Committee
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